Thursday, September 3, 2020

Information Sytems - Article Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Data Sytems - Article - Research Paper Example Many examinations and reports have been distributed on this point and the method of reasoning of the investigation is because of absence of monetary help, remoteness, instruction, and prepared labor in the Indigenous people group. There are different suggestions from scientists and experts to address these deficiencies including network get to focuses, social consideration, improving social capital and programming bundles that can give custom arrangements. In any case, except if an ever increasing number of individuals from the Indigenous people group approach and utilize the Internet and ICT, the major goal of the government’s data frameworks usage on networks will be lost. So as to overcome this issue the proposed system endeavors to order as the incorporated stage for the administration associations and different accomplices, for example, NGOs or open/personal business segments to execute a powerful business process model for social or network data improvement in the Indigenous people group. The paper starts with the conversation of the significance of ICT in administration and its effect on the Indigenous people group of Australia. It centers around the holes that exist as to its effect on the nonnative populace in the nation and its Indigenous populace. A Dynamic Business Process Development Framework (DBPDF) is proposed to shape the foundation of a framework where compelling execution of ICT can profit the Indigenous populace of the country. The paper closes with an itemized depiction and the reason behind the execution of the DBPDF and suggestions for some future exploration bearings. Accessibility of information, and the subsequent data and information are basic parts for any association to be powerful. This is valid for any association paying little heed to its structure for benefit or administration. The 21st Century data frameworks through the front line Information and

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Was Ho Chi Minh More of a Nationalist Than a Communist?

Was Ho Chi Minh even more a patriot than a socialist? A great many people in America immovably accept that Ho Chi Minh was a socialist most importantly. People in general was immersed with accounts of his visits to Russia and China. We heard more than once how his help from socialist nations was being utilized to dominate and make a socialist fortress in South East Asia. What we didn’t hear was the remainder of the story. The Vietminh under Minh’s authority had a coalition of sorts with the U. S. during WWII. The shared adversary, the Japanese gave a kind of weird partners circumstance where the socialists bolstered the ouster of another outside trespasser. After the war, the Vietminh set up administrative structures in the nation expecting Vietnam would come back to a sovereign state. Minh himself made rehashed suggestions to the U. S. also, different nations for help in his mission of autonomy (Young, 1991. p 14). Indeed, even the Vietnam presentation of freedom flagged Minh’s nationalistic view (Gettleman, et al, p 26). As a logical thinker, Minh understood that the U. S. as not going to help his freedom so he turned towards Russia and China for help. Minh strolled a scarce difference with these nations to keep his flexibly line open without losing his freedom. Some state that capacity demonstrated his actual abilities as a negotiator (Obituary, 1969). On the other side of the condition, Minh was a valid and through socialist. He lived and inhaled the socialist beliefs and was s avage in accomplishing them. It has been said that he was an incredible logical inconsistency. Ho Chi Minh was known as the extraordinary socialist pioneer while simultaneously extreme patriot (Ho Chi Minh, 2006). References Gettleman, M, Franklin, J, Young, M. and Franklin, B. (1995). Vietnam and America. Woods Press, New York, N. Y. Ho Chi Minh: North Vietnamese Leader (2006). Recovered from http://www. historynet. com/ho-chi-minh-north-vietnam-pioneer. htm Ho Chi Minh Was Noted for Success in Blending Nationalism and Communism (Obituary) (1969. Recovered from www. nytimes. com/learning/general/onthisday/bday/0519. html Young, M. (1991). The Vietnam Wars: 1945=1990. Harper Collins Publishers, New York N. Y.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The methods used by Dickens Essay Example for Free

The techniques utilized by Dickens Essay The states of the workhouse were dreadful and they didn’t care about the kids a lot of they didn’t give them assign of food. This is inferred by ‘It was his ninth birthday†¦ he was kept exposed cellar†¦ after a sound thrashing†¦ for abominably attempting to be hungry’. This shows on Oliver’s ninth birthday celebration he was secured in the pantry and was famished to death. The word ‘atrociously’ gives us that Mrs Mann was a Cruel and Wicked ladies. Dickens is utilizing the method mockery on the grounds that to show that individuals were dealt with seriously and they needed youngsters to kick the bucket. This makes the peruser believe that youngsters around then where treated actually gravely and causes the peruser to feel sorry for them for what they are experiencing. Oliver was cared for by Mrs. Mann who wasn’t a decent individual since she didn’t take care of the youngsters appropriately, she didn’t feed them well. This is suggested by ‘it’s likely it will be problematic. Give it a little slop on the off chance that it is . This statement gives us that Mrs. Mann didn’t care much about the youngsters, she was angry and she couldn’t be tried to care for the kids appropriately, additionally she didn’t care if the kid passes on and furthermore she’s a deceiver. The words ‘troublesome and slop ’ implies if the kid begins crying and slop is a modest porridge , this shows if the youngster is crying simply give them some slop to make it shut up and the kid won’t trouble them again . Dickens is utilizing the strategy mockery in light of the fact that to show that youngsters weren’t that significant around then. This makes an advanced peruser imagine that individuals didn’t care much about the kid and causes the peruser to feel sorry for them. The states of the workhouse were exceptionally terrible and filthy. This is suggested ‘At last the got so wild and unquenchable with hunger†¦ He was apprehensive he may at some point happen to eat the kid who rested close to him. ’ This depicts the conditions in the workhouse were horrible and squalid. The word â€Å"voracious â€Å"shows us that Oliver was extremely eager, he didn’t get feed well. He is utilizing the strategy mockery on the grounds that to show individuals how hungry y he was and that he could eat individuals close to him. As a peruser, I feel amazingly upset for the kids in the past in light of the fact that they didn’t get feed well and the individuals there were extremely ravenous that they could eat someone else and furthermore individuals didn’t care about the youngsters much yet they ought to have minded and the kids didn’t have a decent life. The states of the workhouse were downright terrible in light of the fact that they cause individuals cry and to feel terrified and cause them to feel awkward. This is inferred by ‘made him answer in an exceptionally low delaying voice whereupon a man of his word in a white petticoat said he was a simpleton. What capital method of raising spirits, comforting him very. ’ This statement gives us that Oliver was terrified of the men as it said he trembled and proceeded to reply in a low and delaying voice. It likewise gives us that the honorable man are not pleasant to kids they believe that they don’t know anything . The word ‘trembled ‘shows us how scared he was the way that he trembles shows exactly how might endorsed to the board and how he was feeling inside. He is utilizing the procedure mockery in light of the fact that to give us how he was feeling, and how the noble man treats the youngsters there. I feel this is unsatisfactory on the grounds that they are causing the child cry and furthermore causing them to feel terrified for reasons unknown and they shouldn’t be permitted to do that and furthermore the kids didn’t have anything great to wear with the exception of clothes .

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

La Llegada Del Cristianismo

Sus comienzos, Edad Media   y su impacto en la filosofà ­a Al abordar este tema, pretendo hacer un pequeà ±o anà ¡lisis de la llegada del cristianismo, y de cà ³mo, este nuevo movimiento, afecto la vida filosà ³fica de la à ©poca. Tratando de vislumbrar, a mi parecer, cuales son los valores finales a los que arriba el cristianismo desde el punto de vista institucional. El Cristianismo nace en Palestina, geogrà ¡ficamente ubicada entre Asia y à frica. Los judà ­os eran un   pueblo monoteà ­sta, unidos a Yahvà © por una alianza, Antiguo â€Å"Testamento†, del cual surge su ley.   Su religià ³n (fuertemente entrelazada con el derecho) era una religià ³n dura, de un Dios omnipotente, cuyos designios eran inescrutables, aunque fuesen sangrientos, pues su principio bà ¡sico era el del talià ³n. Siendo un pueblo, muchas veces, victima de atropellos, crecià ³ en su seno la idea de la aparicià ³n de un Redentor. Este serà ­a el Mesà ­as, quien vendrà ­a a salvar a los judà ­os. Sin embargo, comienzan a provocar convulsià ³n social aquellos profetas que anuncian su arribo. A su llegada, Jesucristo declara que no viene a abolir la ley de los profetas, sino que su funcià ³n serà ¡ la de flexibilizar la ley Mosaica, la cual era dura e inflexible. Y plantea la divisià ³n del mundo en dos, la vida Terrenal y la vida Celestial, diciendo: â€Å"Dad al Cesar lo que es del Cesar y a Dios lo que es de Dios†. Frase suscitada a raà ­z de las acusaciones hechas contra à ©l de querer revelarse frente a el Cesar, proclamà ¡ndose Rey de los Judà ­os (â€Å"INRI† iniciales grabadas en la Cruz, a modo de burla, â€Å"Jesà ºs Nazareno rey de los Judà ­os), a lo que à ©l argumenta: â€Å"Mi reino no es de este mundo†. A su vez propone amar a los enemigos, poner la otra mejilla, entregar los bienes que son requeridos, etc. Asà ­ se plantea, en mi   opinià ³n, el predominio del valor amor y humanidad, ejemplificados en la idea del perdà ³n y   el amar incluso al enemi go. Para ese entonces, el Imperio Romano estaba en su mà ¡ximo esplendor, el Derecho Romano estaba prà ¡cticamente elaborado. Los Judà ­os tenà ­an un â€Å"modus vivendi† aceptable. Los grandes filà ³sofos griegos ya habà ­an elaborado su doctrina. Pero para el Cristianismo primitivo estos fenà ³menos no tienen relevancia, lo que genera nuevamente gran convulsià ³n social. En sus comienzos le interesa poco la reflexià ³n Filosà ³fica, y centra su interà ©s en la à ©tica. Se suscitan tensiones entre la Filosofà ­a y la Religià ³n, el Derecho y la cultura, principalmente entre el Concilio de Nicea (donde se proclama a Jesucristo como Dios-Hijo, el Dios de los Judà ­o deja de ser abstracto) y la muerte de Santo Tomas de Aquino en 1274. (v. Miguel à ngel Ciuro Caldani â€Å"Lecciones de Filosofà ­a del Derecho Privado†). Las tensiones tambià ©n se hicieron presentes dentro de los primeros cristianos. Es asà ­ como se contraponen las figuras de San Pedro (c.10 a.J.C. 64 d.J.C), quien asigna a la religià ³n una visià ³n mà ¡s judaizante, y San Pablo (m.c 67 d.J.C), quien sostuvo el carà ¡cter mà ¡s cosmopolita del cristianismo, partiendo de la fe. Con el desarrollo del Cristianismo, el mensaje dejado por el mesà ­as, a mi parecer, comienza a distorsionarse, incluso en boca de los apà ³stoles que deben comenzar la gran obra de la Iglesia. Podemos citar nuevamente a San Pablo y San Pedro; à ©l primero refiere: â€Å"Que todos se sometan a las autoridades que nos dirigen. Porque no hay autoridad que no venda de Dios†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , a su vez San Pedro (primer Papa) dice: â€Å"Por amor a Dios, someteos a toda autoridad humana†. (M.A.C.C â€Å"Lecciones Historia de la Filosofà ­a del Derecho†). Pues en mi humilde entender son dos frases que distan mucho de lo dicho por Jesà ºs al dar al Cesar lo que es del Cesar, Y a Dios lo que es de Dios. Pues Jesà ºs venia a preparar a los hombres para el mundo Celestial, dejando claro que su reino no es de este mundo, su reino no es Estatal. Es decir, que con la partida del mesà ­as comienza a subvertirse el valor poder por sobre los valores amor y humanidad que contenà ­a el mensaje inicial. El valor poder, gran protagonista de la historia de la humanidad, es el que provoca generalmente las tensiones entre los hombres y sus intereses. Por tal razà ³n los cristianos son victimas de persecuciones, al no querer rendir culto al emperador y este ver amenazada su autoridad por la creencia en alguien que no esta, ni es de este mundo. El fin de las persecuciones contra los cristianos comenzà ³ con un edicto del emperador Galerio (311) y con el â€Å"Edicto de Milà ¡n† promulgado en 313 por el emperador Constantino (c.270-337) y Licinio (c.260-324). Citando al Dr. M.A, Ciuro Caldani â€Å"El Cà ©sar y Jesà ºs, el Estado y la Iglesia, se habà ­an enfrentado y habà ­a triunfado Jesà ºs y su Iglesia†. Aun asà ­ se siguen provocando tensiones, ya que el helenismo no se extingue; es asà ­ como Flavio Claudio Juliano (c.331-363), emperador romano (361-363), sobrino de Constantito, intento restaurar la creencia en los dioses antiguos. Intento que luego de su muerte queda trunco. Los primeros intentos de combinar la Filosofà ­a con el pensamiento cristiano se dan con la Gnosis y la Patrà ­stica. Los gnà ³sticos intentan encuadrar el cristianismo dentro del Platonismo, creando seres para llenar el vacà ­o entre la divinidad y el mundo sensible A ellos se opone la patrà ­stica. Se considera a la Patrà ­stica desde su periodo de apogeo, que va desde el Concilio de Nicea hasta el siglo V. El Dr. Ciuro Caldani, expone que â€Å"la patrà ­stica no es una filosofà ­a sino un movimiento cultural importante para la historia de la filosofà ­a. Que responde a la necesidad de dar una formulacià ³n intelectual a la nueva fe† (Lecciones de la Historia de la Filosofà ­a del Derecho). La figura mà ¡s importante de este movimiento es San Agustà ­n (354-430), quien pertenece temporalmente a la Edad Antigua, pero teà ³ricamente a la Edad Media. El inicio de la Edad Media viene acompaà ±ado de la continuacià ³n de la patrà ­stica. San Agustà ­n, recurrià ³ al filà ³sofo mà ¡s crsitianizable: Platà ³n Asà ­ diferencià ³ el mundo de lo perfecto, que es la ciudad de Dios y el mundo de lo imperfecto que es la cuidad terrena, humana, donde se encuentra el Derecho.   Creo que esta idea se acerca a los dichos de Jesà ºs, siempre y cuando no se confundan en una sola institucià ³n la Iglesia y el Estado, de modo que la   Iglesia quede como la ciudad perfecta, salvando al hombre a travà ©s de sus sacramentos, como sucederà ­a posteriormente, asumiendo la potestad de la vida y la muerte. Los objetos que mà ¡s estudiaba San Agustà ­n son Dios, el alma y la felicidad eterna. La religiosidad parte de la fe. Subordina la Filosofà ­a a la Reli già ³n, pues considera que la primera es à ºtil si no se opone a la verdad revelada por la segunda. El verdadero filà ³sofo ama a dios. Luego de la caà ­da del Imperio Romano de occidente, se produce un retroceso de la cultura. De la crisis cultural surgen instituciones monà ¡sticas. La filosofà ­a se estudia como complemento de la Teologà ­a. Surge la Escolà ¡stica, llamada de tal manera porque se estudiaba en las â€Å"escuelas† en principios conventuales. Trataban de conciliar la fe y la razà ³n y la autoridad y la razà ³n. Tambià ©n comienzan a establecerse las à ³rdenes religiosas, como la de los franciscanos, fundada por San Francisco de Asà ­s. Estos rechazan las riquezas materiales en reaccià ³n ante la nueva realidad que significaba el comienzo de una economà ­a de tipo capitalista. Se inclinan desde el punto de vista filosà ³fico por las enseà ±anzas de San Agustà ­n y Platà ³n. Y la orden de los dominicos, fundada por Santo Domingo de G uzmà ¡n (1221-1170), que se origina con la tarea de combatir el error y la herejà ­a, no solo en la palabra, tambià ©n en la obra. No hay que olvidar que son à ©pocas de grandes tensiones sociales, en las que se persigue la herejà ­a. En el aà ±o 1184, con el Concilio de Verona, se dio nacimiento a la inquisicià ³n medieval. El Concilio de Letrà ¡n, aà ±o 1215, acordà ³ la designacià ³n de jueces pesquisidores (en Inglaterra, en contraposicià ³n, Juan sin tierra debe dar lugar a la Carta Magna) y el Concilio de Tolosa, en el aà ±o 1229, establecià ³ los inquisidores de la Fe, para la lucha contra la herejà ­a. Son tiempos difà ­ciles para una filosofà ­a arriesgada, pues se corre peligro de terminar en la hoguera. La Iglesia parece haber olvidado el mensaje de amor de su fundador, sembrando el terror a travà ©s de la persecucià ³n y de la tortura, principalmente para preservar el poder que ha conseguido. Nuevamente el valor poder se hace presente, en mi humild e opinià ³n, por encima del valor amor, humanidad e incluso el de santidad, que es el valor al que se pretende llegar en la Edad Media. Con San Buenaventura perteneciente a la orden franciscana y Santo Tomas de Aquino de la orden dominicana se produce la sà ­ntesis de los dos pensamientos teolà ³gicos y filosà ³ficos. San Buenaventura concibe la regià ³n en una intima comunià ³n del hombre con Dios, de fraternidad, que se manifiesta a quienes viven en la humildad y en el amor. Para à ©l el filosofà ³ no puede alcanzar la verdad en su plenitud sino apoyado por la luz de la fe. Hace prevalecer la fe y la voluntad por sobre la razà ³n. Las opiniones de base aristototà ©licas le causaban aversià ³n. Para Santo Tomas de Aquino el à ¡mbito entero de la filosofà ­a proviene exclusivamente de la razà ³n y, en cambio, la teologà ­a se basa en la revelacià ³n. A su parecer la ley es una ordenacià ³n de la razà ³n con vista al bien comà ºn promulgada por aquel que tiene el cuidado de la comunidad, la ley no procede da la voluntad sino de la razà ³n. La ley eterna, fuente de la cual derivan las demà ¡s, es la razà ³n de Dios. Para à ©l el poder radica   Ãƒ ºltima y mediatamente en Dios, pero prà ³xima e inmediatamente en la comunidad que lo confà ­a a los gobernantes. A mi entender, aunque revaloriza el Estado terrenal, todavà ­a no lo puede escindir de Dios o de la Iglesia como institucià ³n y asà ­ se busca la manera de conciliar a ambos para coexistir, siendo la Iglesia fundamental para la existencia del estado. De la misma manera se intenta encontrar la armonà ­a entre la teologà ­a y la filosofà ­a. Para el Dr. M.A. Ciuro Caldani, esta es la mayor sà ­ntesis, en la Edad Media, de razà ³n y fe, y de filosofà ­a y teologà ­a. Como se puede observar, en los primeros tiempos del cristianismo la Filosofà ­a es dejada de lado. Con el transcurso del tiempo y en bà ºsqueda de argumentos que sostengan el poder y prot agonismo de la Iglesia, se debe volver a la filosofà ­a. Lo cual no le resta merito. Como sucedià ³ con Aristà ³teles, que dentro de su teorà ­a encontraba fundamento a la esclavitud, y tal aceptacià ³n tenà ­a relacià ³n con el contexto histà ³rico que le tocaba vivir. Del mismo modo, para estos pensadores, el contexto histà ³rico era el de surgimiento y desarrollo del cristianismo y de una Iglesia que se habà ­a convertido en eje central de la vida medieval. Lo reprochable es como niegan la propia fundamentacià ³n del cristianismo, convirtiendo un mensaje de amor y flexibilizacià ³n en una de las mà ¡s espantosas persecuciones de la historia. El valor primordial de la Edad Media es la santidad. Pero como exprese anteriormente, en mi opinià ³n el valor poder, principalmente en la etapa de la inquisicià ³n, se subvierte al   valor santidad. La mayorà ­a de las teorà ­as subordinan el Estado a la Iglesia, la filosofà ­a a la teologà ­a. BIBLIOGRAFIA: MIGUEL à NGEL CIURO CALDANI; Lecciones de la Historia de la Filosofà ­a del Derecho. MIGUEL à NGEL CIURO CALDANI; Lecciones de Filosofà ­a del Derecho Privado. WARNER GOLDSCHMIDT; La Teorà ­a Trialista del Mundo Jurà ­dico y sus Horizontes.

Monday, May 18, 2020

What Are Some of the Injustices Against Native Americans

Many people who dont fully understand the history of the United States interactions with Native American nations believe that while there once may have been abuses perpetrated against them, it was limited to a past that no longer exists. Consequently, there is a sense that Native Americans are stuck in a mode of self-pitying victimhood which they continue to try to exploit for various reasons. However, there are many ways that the injustices of the past are still realities for todays native people, making history relevant today. Even in the face of fairer policies of the last 40 or 50 years and numerous laws that are designed to correct past injustices, there are a myriad of ways that the past still works against Native Americans, and this article covers just a few of the most harmful instances. The Legal Realm The legal basis of the US relationship with tribal nations is rooted in the treaty relationship; the US made approximately 800 treaties with tribes (with the US refusing to ratify over 400 of them). Of those that were ratified, all of them were violated by the US in sometimes extreme ways that resulted in massive land theft and the subjection of Native Americans to the foreign power of American law. This was against the intent of the treaties, which are legal instruments that function to regulate agreements between sovereign nations. When tribes tried to seek justice in the American Supreme Court beginning in 1828, what they got instead were rulings that justified American domination and laid the groundwork for future domination and land theft through the power of Congress and the courts. What resulted was the creation of what legal scholars have termed legal myths. These myths are based on outdated, racist ideologies that held Indians as an inferior form of human being who needed to be elevated to Eurocentric norms of civilization. The best example of this is encoded in the doctrine of discovery, a cornerstone of federal Indian law today. Another one is the concept of domestic dependent nations, articulated as early as 1831 by Supreme Court Justice John Marshall in Cherokee Nation v. Georgia in which he argued that the relationship of tribes to the United States resembles that of a ward to his guardian. There are several other problematic legal concepts in federal Native American law, but perhaps the worst among them is the plenary power doctrine in which Congress presumes for itself, without consent of the tribes, that it has absolute power over Native Americans and their resources. The Trust Doctrine and Land Ownership Legal scholars and experts have widely differing opinions about the origins of the trust doctrine and what it actually means, but that it has no basis in the Constitution is generally acknowledged. A liberal interpretation argues that the federal government has a legally enforceable fiduciary responsibility to act with the most scrupulous good faith and candor in its dealings with tribes. Conservative or anti-trust interpretations argue that the concept is not legally enforceable and, furthermore, that the federal government possesses the power to handle Native American affairs in whatever manner it sees fit, no matter how detrimental to tribes their actions may be. An example of how this has worked against tribes historically is in the gross mismanagement of tribal resources for over 100 years where a proper accounting of revenues generated from tribal lands was never conducted, leading to the Claims Resolution Act of 2010, more commonly known as the Cobell Settlement. One legal reality Native Americans face is that under the trust doctrine they dont actually hold title to their own lands. Instead, the federal government holds aboriginal title in trust on Native Americans behalf, a form of title that essentially only recognizes the Native American right of occupancy as opposed to full ownership rights in the same way a person owns title to land or property in fee simple. Under an anti-trust interpretation of the trust doctrine, in addition to the reality of the plenary power doctrine of absolute Congressional power over Native American affairs, there still exists the very real possibility of further land and resource loss given a hostile enough political climate and the lack of political will to protect Native lands and rights. Social Issues The gradual process of the United States domination of Native nations led to profound social disruptions that still plague Native communities in the forms of poverty, substance abuse, alcohol abuse, disproportionately high health problems, substandard education, and substandard healthcare. Under the trust relationship and based on the treaty history, the United States has assumed the responsibility for healthcare and education for Native Americans. Despite the disruptions to tribes from past policies, especially assimilation and termination, native people must be able to prove their affiliation with tribal nations in order to benefit from Native American education and healthcare programs. Bartolomà © de Las Casas was one of the very first advocates for Native American rights, earning himself the nickname Defender of the Native Americans.   Blood Quantum and Identity The federal government imposed criteria that classified Indians based on their race, expressed in terms of fractions of Indian blood quantum, rather than their political status as members or citizens of their tribal nations (in the same way American citizenship is determined, for example). With intermarriage blood quantum is lowered and eventually a threshold is reached where a person is no longer considered Indian, even despite connection to communities and culture that have been maintained. Although tribes are free to establish their own criteria for belonging, most still follow the blood quantum model initially forced on them. The federal government still uses the blood quantum criteria for many of their Indian benefit programs. As native people continue to intermarry between tribes and with people of other races, blood quantum within individual tribes continues to be lowered, resulting in what some scholars have termed statistical genocide or elimination. Additionally, the federal governments past policies have caused Native Americans to eliminate their political relationship with the US, leaving people who no longer are considered Native American because of the lack of federal recognition. References Inouye, Daniel. Preface, Exiled in the Land of the Free: Democracy, Indian Nations, and the U.S. Constitution. Santa Fe: Clear Light Publishers, 1992. Wilkins and Lomawaima. Uneven Ground: American Indian Sovereignty and Federal Law. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2001.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Slavery and the Economy of the Southern Colonies Essay

Everybody has something they feel that makes their lives easier, something a person becomes so accustomed to they could not live without it. This is what African slaves were to the Southern colonists. Slavery was a huge factor in the Southerner’s lives. Originally the colonists used indentured servants to work in their homes and on their plantations. This situation was not ideal because the Southern farmers wanted more control over their workers (orange). Virginian farmers heard about the success of slavery in the Caribbean and thought it would be a good solution to their problems (blue). The southern colonists had a very different way of earning a living than in the north. They needed people to work through â€Å"the harsh realities of a†¦show more content†¦Many laws were created in an effort to ensure a white man’s position over a black man’s position. It was made illegal for an African American to insult any white man regardless of either personâ₠¬â„¢s position (red). Also, slave owners were allowed to punish their slaves in any form they deemed necessary. Often they would punish a slave more harshly in order to show the rest of their slaves the repercussions for their missteps. Southerners also used race to justify the negative claims about slavery. They claimed that the white colonists were civil while the African Americans were barbaric and dangerous. When referring to African Americans, white southerners used language similar to the language used by educated Englishmen while describing the extremely poor (red). This influenced others to believe that African Americans were beneath them, which led more and more people to begin to condone slavery. Aside from social benefits, geographical aspects made slavery seem more appealing. Average food crops were not compatible with the southern soil, so southern farmers turned to rice, cotton, and tobacco. Cotton and tobacco were the South’s most important and profitable crops (green). Tobacco became the main source of revenue for the southern colonists (yellow). It requires eleven months of intense labor on the plantations (pink). This gave plantation owners another reason to dislike indentured servitude; theyShow MoreRelatedEconomic, Geographic, And Social Factors1352 Words   |  6 Pagesencourage the growth of slavery as an important part of the economy of the southern colonies between 1607 and 1775? The introduction of Africans to America in 1619 set off an irreversible chain of events that effected the economy of the southern colonies. With a switch from the expensive system of indentured servitude, slavery emerged and grew rapidly for various reasons, consisting of economic, geographic, and social factors. 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Stiff Competition Different Low Cost Carrier-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Stiff Competition Different Low Cost Carrier? Answer: Porters five forces analysis is taken into account for comprehending the overall performance of the firm Qantas Airlines and various factors that might perhaps affect the same. Bargaining Power of Purchasers: For the purchasers, it can be considered to be a win-win condition when it comes to selection of the airline service. The selection is based on the condition of offering premium class service, low cost and level of comfort accounting many others (Entwistle 2015). According to Moutinho and Huarng (2015), in todays days purchasers have different alternatives to select from and the subsistence of diverse service providers in the airline sector offers them with augmented bargaining as well as purchasing power. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: As rightly mentioned by Bolton et al. (2015), suppliers functioning in the airline industry have comparatively less bargaining power since there subsists a higher number of suppliers delivering somewhat identical services. Again, in case of Qantas Airlines, suppliers power is low since there is existence of other big players in the airline industry namely Virgin Airlines Threat of Substitutes- Airline industry truly enjoy a lower level of threat of substitution since it is a very rapid way of travelling to different long distances that is not always to travel through waterways and roadways. Customers avail the specific airline service even for short distance routes in a bid to save time and enjoy comfortable journey (Wagner and Eggert 2016). Rivalry among subsisting business concerns- Analysis of reports reveals that the Australian Airlines Industry can witness a tussle between specifically the airline service provider Qantas Airlines and the Virgin Airlines in the regional market. In this case, both the corporations suffer losses in operations due to existence of intense competition (Armstrong et al. 2015). Threat of Entry of New Players- In Australian airlines industry, the threat of entry of different new players is normally low. This is so because new corporations have the need of huge investments as per the requisite infrastructure for designing the structure of the airline corporation, which sometimes is tricky (Armstrong et al. 2015). The Australian airline segment experiences strong competition among different airline service providers. The airline operators essentially contest with each another for acquiring higher share of the market. A detailed market research reflects the fact that Virgin Airlines can be considered to be one of the most important rivals of the company Qantas that operates in the Australian airline market, apparent from the price cuts for different services for attracting new customers and retaining the existing customers (Armstrong et al. 2015). Analysis of the current company declarations, both the business firms Qantas as well as Virgin is experiencing losses and in spite of that there is steep decline in the overall number of passengers owing to issues such as competitiveness of the industry as well as terror attacks in US and many others. Nevertheless, there are several measures that essentially make the airline service provider Qantas an clear choice for diverse travellers. For example, the flyer program of the company that is exclusive to the company helps in gaining customer loyalty. Again, the management of Qantas has also declared that the firms frequent flyer program has nearly 7 million loyal members and it is developing with time. As such, the specific purpose of this program started by the company Qantas is to inspire travellers to select Qantas for their requirement of airline service (Armstrong et al. 2015). Again, if they necessarily go on gaining higher number of points, the management of the firm can utilize it for different alliance stores for up gradation of the baggage weights and for acquiring admittance to particularly OneWorld agreement lounge for foods, drinks along with other lucrative provisions. Again, Qantas also relates the firms frequent flyer program with yet another Australian player that is Woolworths and through collect points of Woolworths Everyday Rewards that necessarily offers competitive advantage to the two corporations ( 2017). Tough authority in the domestic market of Australia The airline company Qantas have assumed multi brand stratagem that permit the administration of the firm to position the effectual domestic network as the best operator. The company can establish itself as the premium service provider that can operations provide business associated travels backed by the Jetstar delivering service at low fares ( 2017). Diversified geographic market The management of the firm Qantas delivers transportation services across diverse geographical borders by means of two complimentary airline operators namely Jetstar and Qantas, functioning globally and delivering domestic services.erse industrial activities The business operations of Qantas are highly vulnerable to different rows related to industrial activities. Particularly within the Australian market, extensive industrial exploits along with union campaigns to discredit the Qantas brand caused notable harm to the corporation during the financial year 2012. For instance, effort of the Transport Workers Union in utilizing bargaining procedure for a new business concern contract for dictating the way definite parts of Qantas need to accessed ( 2017). In addition to this, there is need to ascertain the way business concern Qantas manages the employees of different subsidiaries and discomforting Qantas from accessing. Qantas Group declared about the up gradation of the fleet plan and capitalizes on rate of growth in the domestic market in Australia. Particularly, under this arrangement, Qantas leased five extra Boeing Aircraft together with this bought three Bonbardier Q400 aircraft ( 2017). Expansion of Jeystar The main objective of Jetstar is necessarily to strengthen the position of the firm as a pan Asian carrier. Presently the company has expended its operations in Singapore, Vietnam as well as Japan by means of franchises. The transnational network of the Jetstar might influence the overall growth of the company Jetstar that is a brand airline delivering the traffic between Asia as well as Australia, strengthening the strong competitive position of the corporation Qantas Airways in specifically the leisure travel area of Asia- Pacifics ( 2017). Stiff Competition from different low cost carriers The airlines industry in Australia is currently witnessing stiff competition with the existence of low cost carriers operating in the East Asian district. Essentially, these low budget airline service providers have the tendency to charge low fares, thereby making Qantas less competitive (Levinson 2014). Increase in the prices of fuel The cost of Jet fuel essentially plays an important role in forming the total cost of the corporation Qantas. Particularly during the financial year 2012, the jet fuel increased from approximately AUD 645 million to nearly AUD 4329 million recorded during financial year 2011 ( 2017). Corporate Strategy of Qantas in domestic and worldwide markets since 1992 The core stratagem of the group is to enhance profitability of two different flying brands of the company that includes the Qantas and the low cost carrier namely Jetstar. However, in different premium markets, the company strengthens the position while Jetstar takes into account both the regional as well as global leisure market. As such, the strategy developed by Qantas helps in decreasing the overall capital strength by maintaining partnership with diverse carriers in specific uneconomical segments. Essentially, during June 30, 2011, the NOPAT of the business concern Qantas was enumerated to be $250 million with considerable amount of revenue generated from certain ordinary services was documented to be $14.8 billion ( 2017). Thus net profit after tax of the corporation increased by approximately 8% as compared to the figure recorded during the previous year. During the year 2011, the company Qantas invested around $2.4 billion for capital expends (Investor.qant 2017). During the year 1992, the Australian Government allowed the airline corporation Qantass bid of worth AUD 400 million for different Australian Airlines along with different subsidiaries ( 2017). In addition to this, the government also declared that the group can be completely privatised. As such, the merger of two different airlines also enhanced the carrying potential of passengers, airlines efficient utilization and maintenance of economies of scale between transnational and domestic airline services. In addition to this, the corporation Qantas persistently evolved and attained growth. Again, during the year 2002, the business firm Qantas established low cost regional airlines that is the Jetstar. The company commenced the regional functions during the year 2004, pursued after the Tasmanian services during the period December 2005 ( 2017). According to the opinion of Bragg (2014), the Qantas Group has depended on fruitful partnerships as well as successful alliances to acquire biggest share of the transnational airline market. Besides services related to transportation of passengers, Qantas makes available other services that include businesses portfolios such as engineering, freight services as well as catering services. The corporation also implements cost leadership strategy, concentrating on the stratagem of differentiation in which the cost leadership policy stresses on the need of gaining competitive advantage among the rivals in the industry. In essence, this refers to the fact that identical products are delivered at low cost, something that Qantas follows for the Jetstar airways. Additionally, at the time when a single segment of customer is targeted then the strategy is more concentrated. Basically, Jetstar delivers similar service as that of the airline Virgin but necessarily at a comparatively low cost (Bragg 2014). Two different accounting policies of the firm Qantas in the airline industry The policies followed for recognition of revenue necessarily varies founded on the nature of service delivered by the company Qantas Airlines. On the whole, the treatment to passengers and revenue from freight is also analogous. However, for the purpose of attracting more number of customers, Qantas offers tickets of passengers well in advance of service. The entire amount accepted in advance can be taken into consideration for unjustified revenue (Entwistle 2015). Passenger and revenue from freight and travel The business concern at fair value of the accepted consideration, discount on sales of the firm, passenger as well as freight commission enumerates proceeds from passenger and freight ( 2017). Again, other sales commission that are paid by Qantas can be taken into consideration by Qantas as expenditure (Titman and Martin 2014). Revenue Gained from frequent flyer The accepted revenue is necessarily deferred as liability (accepted in advance) until these points are transformed in case of Qantas Group. Essentially, redemption revenue is accepted grounded on the approximation carried out by the administration of the anticipated fair value rewards (DeFusco et al. 2015). The receivables of the corporation Qantas comprises of trade debtors, acquired loan from parties as well as other debtors. In addition to this, the net receivable is also recorded as its unique amount after deduction of provision of specific debts that are not collected. The management of Qantas Group also carry out approximations of different doubtful debt at the time of compilation of entire amount is no longer attainable (Trugman 2016). However, bad debts by the corporation are necessarily written off. Nonetheless, it can be regarded to be risky on the part of the corporation for not specifying the provision of specific bad debts that are in line with the credit sales percentage, thereby making it an unstable matter (Jenkins and Williamson 2015). The complete idea of selecting these two facets takes into account different effects that they essentially exert on the operations of Qantas in the Australian airline industry. The airline also makes certain proper handling of the identified issues, influencing it internally. Essentially, these policies can be considered as the primary factors that help in the process of determination of performance of the corporation, company strategies and schemes that the business concern implements (Phuong 2013). Evaluation of financial performance of Qantas during 2013: Analysis of the financial assertions of the corporation Qantas Group reveals that the businesss profit before tax stands at AUD 192 million, statutory tax is essentially AUD 17 million and Statutory Profit After Tax stands at AUD 6 million as on the period ending June 30 of the year 2013 ( 2017). Again, this outcome illustrates that development of business strategy of Qantas is quite challenging as there is increase in cost of fuel, stiff competition in the market as well as excessive capacity in the regional market. Essentially, the accounting year witnessed a gain in operations of Qantas as well as Jetstar, on the other hand Qantas successfully reduced its losses to approximately half the amount (Easton et al. 2015). The accounting year 2013 presents both positive as well as negative reflections. The negatives of the business functionalities include carbon tax, transition of particularly Dubai hub and pilot back reimbursement. Contrarily, the positive sides of the operations of the business include the settlement of the Beoings with particularly AUD 134 million ( 2017). In essence, the business concern has fortified the financial position with positive net cash worth AUD 372 million on June 2013 and liquidity worth AUD 3.4 billion and this consists of AUD 2.8 billion cash and AUD 630 million is undrawn amenities of debt. However, the net capital of expends was recorded to be approximately AUD 1.4 billion during 2013 that represented a decline of nearly AUD 200 million as compared to prior year ( 2017). Evaluation of financial performance of Qantas during 2015 Qantas declared an underlying PBT (profit before tax) of approximately AUD 367 million and a statutory PAT (profit after tax) of around AUD 206 million ( 2017). The company also experienced a decline of 4.8% in the related cost per unit and 2.1% increase in the companys revenue. As such, financial reports reveal that Qantas has made swift advancement and progress and simultaneously recovered well is a stable environment (Healy and Palepu 2012). For the first time ever since the occurrence of GFC (global financial crisis), the company Qantas International has acquired profit with EBIT of AUD 59 million approximated biannually, with a turnaround of nearly AUD321 million as compared to year ago period ( 2017). It can be hereby mentioned that the growth has been stable although Qantas has serious liquidity concerns, and the corporation has difficulties in acquirement of assets that can be easily transformed into cash. As rightly put forward by Palepu et al. (2013), liquidity issue in any business directs towards insolvency, however, the airlines is exclusively susceptible. The corporation is gradually getting into grooves after few lean seasons and it does not represent the financial position of the corporation. Again, the flying kangaroo necessarily could manage to deal with losses specifically when the debt of the corporation is carrying a scrap position. Recommendation It can be hereby suggested from the standpoint of investor that Qantas Airways is having huge potential compared to other airlines in the business with respect to efficiency, commercial stability as well as productivity. However, in the current scenario, investment in the firm Qantas can be considered to be very worthy and advantageous. The factors of profitability and financial stability are developing with passage of time and this can be regarded as a positive sign for financiers. The dividend was last disbursed by the firm during 2009. Detailed analysis of the overall financial position of the firm reflects that the corporation could again start disbursing dividends in the upcoming years. Qantas can be considered to be a risky corporation to invest in as share prices are increasing in straight line in the year 2015. Essentially, the company traded at nearly AUD 3.5 in 2015 from a small amount of AUD 1 in 2014. This is because shareholders are relying on the corporation again. Part icularly, the company also has the capability to improve and endeavour on their path to success. References: Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M. and Brennan, R., 2015. Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Bolton, L.E., Bhattacharjee, A. and Reed II, A., 2015, May. The perils of marketing weight-management remedies and the role of health literacy. American Marketing Association. Bragg, S.M., 2014.Financial Analysis: A Business Decision Guide. Accounting Tools. 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